About Us

Tesla Owners Club Western Australia (TOCWA) is a group to facilitate communication, advocacy and community for Tesla Owners (and reservation holders) within WA.

We are the official Tesla affiliated club for Western Australia.

We formally began in 2017 but have represented some of the earliest owners of Tesla vehicles in Australia.

TOCWA works with various authorities to expand and advocate for more infrastructure to support EVs, we also have our own infrastructure, such as the TOCWA DC Charger that has been in Geraldton until the WAEV Chargers arrived.

Full Members can:

• Participate in regularly scheduled events

• Make use of our loan charging cables (Type2-Type2 cables,  3Phase AC Tails and EVSEs as well as CHAdeMO adapters).  There is more information about these cables on our charging page.

• Make use of our stock of spare tyres and kits for longer trips.

• Join our online conversation and community via forums and weekly Zoom Chats.

You can join by clicking here

Our Committee

Chair – Rob Dean

Secretary – Harald Murphy

Treasurer – Pete Petrovsky

Andrew Harvey

James Maitland

Paul Vianna

Steve Dachs

Non-Committee Team

Online – Ken Taylor

Our Constitution and Bylaws are available here

Tesla Owners Club Western Australia Incorporated
ABN 72408340162